With Valentine's Day around the corner, this two-part series on the truth behind healthy and happy relationships, from a Christian perspective, is JUST ON TIME! Watch the full recap below  and be sure to subscribe and share!

There are so many people that are looking for the best gift or gesture when their partner just desires the fundamentals of love and respect. I was honored to be able to cover an enriching relationship panel hosted by @virtuous_coach!  During this session, I was reminded that "You have to prepare for what you pray for 1 million percent!" It was a powerful experience hearing from both single individuals, a couple that married later in life, and a woman who was\s remarried following a divorce. Be sure to share this video

There were so many takeaways from the event that I decided to make it a two-part series one on Dating as a Christian and the other about Growing Fulfilling Marriages! I'm excited for you all to see the footage and for to put what I learned to practice in my home!   I've summarized a few of my favorite quotes/views from the night below:

  • We often cripple ourselves by staying in relationships or situations far past their expiration date.
  • All marriages can be saved by God as long as both individuals are willing to submit to Him and do the work necessary.
  • God's will is worth the wait. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson both entered their first marriage in their late 40s. 
  • Every great leader/CEO knows how to effectively delegate in order for the business to run smoothly! (Great Submission Analogy)
  • You may know the right thing to do, but you won't be able to move on until your emotion meets your cognition.
  • Marriage is about correcting 90% of the things that went wrong in your childhood! 
  • Stop giving wifely duties to boyfriends!!!!
  • HUMBLE yourself to get the best out of your spouse!
  • You can tell what a person values most by where they spend their time and money!

Thank you ShaCarolyn  Halyard and the amazing panelists for choosing to have me cover this powerful event! Learn more about this organization at http://www.virtuouslife.org/


~Precious KW