Hello, Simply Passionate Life!

With only a few moments until the new year, I have been reflecting on the lessons of the last year and having a blast in the process. As you know we believe that every moment is a message; you just must pay attention. So, when I found myself between a need to film and a duty to whip my baby’s hair into shape, I decided why not do both!

It’s ok to dream!

Being realistic is over-rated at times! Our world is so dark and broken that having an extraordinary dream is often look at as lofty or clueless! If you have an idea, vision, or calling on your life; place yourself among the numerous men in women dreamers who were probably laughed at by their peers as well!

There is no such thing as a snatch back!

On a personal note, I’ve come to understand that there is no such thing as the proverbial “snatch back” in social media land or pop culture, the snatch back is the idea that a woman will return to her pre-pregnancy body/figure after birthing a human being! The reality is, you will never be the same. The great news is, that’s a good thing! You have just participated in a mighty miracle! Though you may eventually wear the same dress size or smaller, attain your pre-pregnancy weight, or reach pre-pregnancy fitness levels; you’re body has taken on a promoted role: CHILD BEARER!!!! Where every inch, mark, gravity pull with pride as you strive toward the best health for you and your family!

Fear doesn’t just go away!

As a follower of Christ, I have had times in life where I expected to never experience fear. I wish I knew then what I know now! That although God has not given us a spirit of fear it is still an emotion that we will all experience. Thankfully we have a perfect weapon: FAITH and LOVE!! The bible says perfect love casts out all fear and God is love, so my faith in Him is the weapon that I use to conquer every fear that may attempt to discourage me from moving forward!

Be crazy about your passion!

NO one is ever going to be as passionate about your vision as you are! Of course, we don’t want to be obnoxious about our new love, new baby or new business but when you have something wonderful you are now responsible to nurture; GO HARD after it! If they get tired of seeing your baby pics, they can hit unfollow! Be bold and don’t be afraid to look crazy, it’s worth it!

Don’t expect uniform support!

Every person who loves you may not show their support for what excites you the same! While one person may attend every baby shower, business event, or engagement party another may send a card or simply like a picture on IG. Don’t waste precious energy (no pun intended) on worrying about if someone supports your endeavors or how they show their support if they do!

People are our largest commodity!

On the other hand, remember that the people that God has allowed to enter our lives, whether temporary or for an extended period, are a gift! Don’t take for granted the time or opportunities you have to spend with the people you have been gifted because it isn’t promised! Value feedback from others but don’t require it as fuel to move forward in your life!

Pursue passion, not perfection!

Now if you have been with us for a while, you will notice that this is a huge underlying theme in almost everything we do at Simply Passionate Life! I want to encourage you to continue to be engaged in every moment of your life by being intentional about relationships and present along your journey. We all have health, relationship, business, financial or personal goals; however, enjoy the life you have while you pursue the life you want! Increase your passion output because striving for perfection is a sure fire way to burn out and become frustrated!

I love you so so much! If you are in need of additional support and accountability in a more intimate setting, join our 31 day challenge! It is going to be phenomenal!

xoxo Precious!
