So you've started! Now What?!? It's often very easy to dream, plan, or even begin; the true challenge comes with obstacles to your passion arise! In the times when the original emotion in which you began starts to fade, how will you respond? Will you back down, quit, give up, or give in? The world needs your vision to come to pass so DON'T Quit! I hope that the Four A's to stay the course will give you the ammunition you need to stay motivated and see your goals come to fruition.
Am I beautiful? We all want the answer to this question to be YES unequivocally, but what is beauty anyway? Check out the 18 ways I'm redefining beauty in 2018 via my latest vlog! Thank you to The Beauty Campaign for the Feature!
Another amazing spotlight! This time we met with Quashaunda Kitchens of Complexions Skincare & Beauty! My experience was so fulfilling and my skin is still thanking me, days later! Click here for a few of my takeaways from my appointment!
2018 is upon us; do you have a plan to become a healthier and happier you? Yes everyone claims that a new year means a new year but nothing in your life will change without intentionality! The key difference between a successful resolution and a lofty wish is accountability!
Do you find yourself stuck in the same place mentally, physically, or emotionally; and are ready to see quality changes in your life? Well, I hope that the lessons I learned during my recent 10-day vegetarian challenge give you some tools to spark a transformation in your own life.