Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!
Our first, FIRST FRIDAY SPOTLIGHT of the year is soooo fitting! We hear it all around our little worlds; "New Year New Me" but what does that really mean? After my experience at Mac cosmetics, I realized that of all the priorities I place for my health and well- being, I was grossly under serving my largest organ: my skin! Press play for my full interview, and read my lessons learned below!
How did you enjoy this amazing interview with Quashaundra Kitchens of Complexions Skincare & Beauty? Isn't she just amazing? My experience was so fulfilling and my skin is still thanking me, days later!
Before the Magic
Complexions Skincare and Beauty Consultation
Here are a four of my takeaways from my appointment:
Don't forget the Essentials!
As a mom of a preteen girl, I am constantly saying, "Wash your face and brush your teeth!" Its so funny how as we get older, we still tend to need someone to tell us how to prioritize these simple essential self-care tasks! During my time with Quashaunda, I was reminded that you don't need a ton of fancy products but you do need the essentials! The four primary essentials she listed are: water-based cleanser, exfoliant, toner, and moisturizer (with spf). Everything else that's trending (i.e peels, charcoal, clay etc are great but not essential!)
Make Time Tor your Health!
This is huge for wives, moms, and girl bosses! We make time for our meetings, obligations, ministries, businesses, and families but sometimes it is a struggle to carve out the time or budget for what seems like a luxury! Trust me I know! However, our skin is the largest organ of our bodies so we must take the extra time to restock our essential products or budget for a facial every once in a while! I know I will definitely be adding this to my internal wishlist of self-care activities!
Exfoliate Exfoliate Exfoliate!
This was a big realization to me! Since I have a health-science background, I am very familiar with dead skin and the importance of refreshing your skin regularly, however, it never registered with me how often that was! Quashaunda recommends that women exfoliate 1-2 times a week for optimum skin health! Exfoliating is much similar to trimming your ends or cleansing your digestive system! As living beings, we cannot be ok with holding on the dead; let it go!
People of Color Still Need Sun Screen!
May the church say, "AMEN!" Someone tap my husband one time for me! Yes, we have the joys of higher levels of melanin in our skin, however, no one is sun resistant! Protecting your skin from UV rays is not only a preventative measure for cancer or accelerated aging, it promotes overall skin health as well. During my facial, I did learn that people of color do require lower amounts of SPF (around 15-20 recommended). I was surprised to learn that most sunscreens contain the same active ingredient, so there's no need to break the bank for it!
No filter, no make up, just healthy & happy skin!
All in all, I am so grateful that what began as a simple encounter during Werk Pray Slay, turned into a meaningful connection between our brands! Quashaunda will definitely be sharing more of her knowledge to the 31-day challengers as well! Check her out to make your appointment as soon as possible! Tell her Precious sent you!