As Breast cancer awareness month begins, it has become very clear that the face of this disease does not have an age, race, class or political preference. Julia Louis-Dreyfus announced that she was diagnosed with breast cancer by saying, “today I am the one.” The same can be said about any one of us if we fail to debunk the myths and have more open dialogue about this disease. It is important to hear the stories about life after breast cancer, the saving power of knowing how to test your breasts, and that men and women both know how to recognize breast cancer symptoms. It is also imperative that we recognize what common carcinogens are in daily products as well!

Panted Pink Inc., is an organization in Atlanta, Georgia that is facilitating these conversations and making sure that millennials are open to having these discussions at home, work and play! We hope you enjoy this recap of the Purposely B.E.A.T awareness event and register to join me at their 4th annual Bruncheon on October 7th. Tickets can be purchased here: