Beating Breast Cancer: Painted Pink Inc Spotlight *survivors, health, awareness*
There are two things you can do when you see a problem in the world, you can complain or you can do your part to change it. Ann-Marie Appiah of Painted Pink Inc chose the latter. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we chose to spotlight one of Atlanta’s young movers and shakers in the non-profit arena! Ann-Marie is a passionate and devoted girl-boss that believes millennials need a seat at the table when discussing breast health and cancer prevention.
Painted Pink Inc, is leading the way in supporting women from awareness, to prevention, to their first day of chemo therapy, and through learning to live life after reconstruction surgery. During this spotlight, we discuss the popular myths about breast cancer symptoms, common warning signs, and ways to live a preventative lifestyle. The face of this disease no longer has an age, race, class or political preference so it is very important to “know your status.” I am so grateful to be learning more about this battle to help my fellow sisters beat it head on! Please register to join me at their 4th annual Bruncheon on October 7th.
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